Developing Qatari Talent Through QNB Leadership Development Program

Posted on : Sat, 29 Dec 2007

Doha, December 29, 2007 - In line with its highly ambitious global and regional expansion plans Qatar National Bank (QNB) launched the ‘QNB Leadership Development Program’. The program aims at developing Qatari Top Talent who are spotted through a structured Talent Review process.

The program launch, held at AL Sharq Village & Spa, was inaugurated by Mr. Ali Shareef Al Emadi, QNB’s Group Chief Executive Officer, along with QNB’s top management.

The objective of this program is to develop critical leadership competencies of key high potential Qatari Top talent who will take up responsible senior management positions in the coming years as the bank expands globally.

In the face of growing competition, QNB has always managed to stay ahead through its excellent products and services and above par performance. The bank has planned very challenging goals for the coming years to continue to remain amongst the leaders in the financial sector in the region. The Qatari Top Talent Program will help QNB achieve these challenging objectives and will enable QNB to be amongst the leader in the MENA region.

QNB has identified the key Qatari top talents at the bank using Talent Review process which uses ‘Integrated Performance Management & Development (IPMD) system as its foundation. The participants of the Leadership Development program will further undergo intensive assessments which will help QNB in customizing the development program to address specific developmental needs of the Qatari Top Talent.

Based on findings of the assessment the bank will develop ‘Individual Development Plans’ (IDP) for each participant and the developmental needs will be addressed through class room training, participation in execution of strategic projects and nominations to executive development programs of internationally acclaimed overseas business schools such as Harvard Business School, Ashridge, London Business School etc.

Through out the development program, the participants will be guided, supported and coached through identified mentors and the senior management. The Human Resources team will continuously remain in contact with the group and address all the learning needs and will continuously review the performance of the group to ensure that there are no barriers to learning and development.

Internationally acclaimed Human Resources consultants SHL, UK will be helping the bank in execution of this program through UAE based Etisalat Competency Centre,

QNB stays focused on the priority of creating a culture of continuous learning in the organization and has already deployed many Learning & Development initiatives for the employees.

The QTT Leadership program follows the successful launch of ‘Lighting the Torch’ program (for Young Qatari Graduates) and ‘Integrated Performance Management & Development process (IPMD).