The Qatar Society for Rehabilitation of Special Needs provides QNB staff with sign language training

Posted on : Mon, 24 June 2019

Doha, 24 June 2019 - The Qatar Society for Rehabilitation of Special Needs (QSRSN) has organized a specialized training course in Sign Language for the Deaf for a number of QNB Group staff. The course was part of a series of training courses organized by the QSRSN aimed at qualifying all members of the society and employees of state institutions, the private sector, and all service and public institutions in communication skills with persons with all types of disabilities. The courses are provided by the QSRSN through the consultants and high-level specialists working with it inside Qatar and abroad.

The course aimed at qualifying a number of the Bank’s staff to deal with the Deaf and people with hearing disabilities and to serve them in an easy and efficient manner. Lecturers at the session included Mr. Naji Zakarneh, Hearing Disability Counselor at the QSRSN and sign language anchor at the Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel, and sign language expert Prof. Abdulsalam al-Wardat. The course was attended by 13 trainees from QNB who received intensive practical training in sign language with a focus on banking terminology.

At the end of the course, Mr. Amir Al Mulla, Executive Director of QSRSN, honored the lecturers at the course and distributed certificates to the trainees.

H.E. Sheikh Thani Bin Abdullah Al Thani, Chairman of the QSRSN, explained that the course is part of the QSRSN’s objectives and plans to rehabilitate persons with special needs and integrate them into society, allow them greater convenience, and facilitate their access to all services manner of services, just like the rest of society. The QSRSN’s goals also aim to guarantee justice and equality to the persons with disabilities in the practice of their rights and obtainment of services provided by all the state’s institutions, whether private or public. The QSRSN also aims to train the staff of all state institutions and enable them to serve persons with disabilities of all kinds, including hearing disabilities, efficiently.

His Excellency added that the QSRSN is organising the course within a series of courses to teach sign language to staff at all the different state institutions, of which QNB is one. He further stated that the course aims at enabling the Bank's employees to deal with the Deaf through sign language and to provide all banking services to them easily and smoothly, like all the other customers. His Excellency also praised the distinguished cooperation between the QSRSN and the Bank, expressing his wishes that this fruitful cooperation continues in the interest of persons with disabilities and their integration into society, as well as providing them with easy access to the best and most distinguished services.